Friday 19 June 2020

How to increase your immunity to fight against COVID-19?
In this pandemic of corona virus, we have to take precautions to stay safe .To fight against this corona virus we have to increase our immunity. We have to make India stronger such that it stands out as an example for everyone in this world. Let us promise to make ourselves stronger so that India becomes stronger.

Let’s begin!
1)             Eating appropriate things: - To increase immunity you should eat the following things-
«Citrus fruits- It includes orange, lemon, tomatoes, berries and many more.
«Nuts-It gives you energy and keeps you healthy as well. It includes almonds, cashew nuts, peanuts, walnuts.
«Less oily food- Oil increases cholesterol which is harmful for our body. Avoiding oily stuffs will make you fit and healthier.
«Green leafy vegetables-It includes spinach, cabbage, kale, lettuce adds to the fibre content of your body.
«Less carbohydrate intake- Eating fewer amounts of carbs is beneficial during his lockdown to avoid weight gain.
«Stay hydrated
«Garlic and Ginger- These two ingredients are very common in Indian curries and really boost up our immunity.
«Yogurt – Yogurt is rich in Vitamin B12 .It helps making genetic material and prevents megaloblatic anaemia that makes people tired and weak.
«Have Basil leaves – Every morning take two 4 leaves of basil.
«Take steam of Neem Boil some water and add some neem leaves into it. Take the steam to increase immunity.
2)             Exercise: - Proper exercise is very important to maintain your health. You can try out some yoga given in the below link to boost your immunity. If you don’t like to do yoga then try out some aerobics or have fast walk for at least 15-30 minutes.
3)             Hygiene:-Hygiene is one of the most important factors to keep you disease free.
·      Wash your hands for 20 seconds in the interval of every 30-40 minutes.
·      Sanitise your phone, laptop and other devices before and after use.
·      Keep a handkerchief with you and use it when you are sneezing or coughing.  If you don’t have handkerchief in any moment, try to cough or sneeze into your elbow.
·      Use disinfectant to clean your house twice in a week.

4)             Maintain social distance when going out of your home.

5)             Keep positive vibes with you: - In this lock down, family members are able to interact with each and can reduce the gaps created earlier due to busy schedule. Play games with each other, teach new skills to your younger one, watch movies, believe each other to create stronger communication, have faith with patience and say that we will win one day.

6)              Have a sound sleep!

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