Tuesday 27 April 2021



I don’t know if I am but I have heard a lot about this word, surprisingly people dedicated it to me. I grew up in a very orthodox family still I grew as if I am a princess. Though every girl grows as a princess, it’s not new. But I feel sometimes it becomes hectic to be treated as a princess but not as prince. I always had this warrior and I literally wanted to be a boy who can do anything without any hesitation (riding bike at night, going for night studies, partying hard with friends, wearing any kind of clothes, etc.) but fortunately I became girl. Trust me it’s not easy where you go through mensus every month, not only that the period cramps are disaster. Also something I am familiar during the growth period of mine was about the skin colour. I was fair enough but got the almond/dusky colour gradually. I am very proud of my colour. But the problem is whenever I used to go to my village everyone used to poke and say your skin colour has gone dark. Try to maintain it. It doesn’t bother me now but the initial time, the age at which I didn’t realize the difference between skin colours (the royalty hidden behind the fair skin colour), I lost confidence. But you know what it took me just 3 days to forget about that incident. Not even that when I changed my school and locality, I started gaining weight. I didn’t realize earlier but people surrounding me made me realise that you can be body shammed any time anywhere. But trust me I was not bothered. Huh , because I was not a foodie and all I could do at that time was to change my lifestyle a bit . But it’s fine I was happy then because i realised you become more messier with the mess you create in your mind.



Sometime I think loneliness is a word which is familiar to everybody. Even if it might not have been familiar to everyone earlier but at least in this one year, we might have realised the deep meaning of this word. The best part of loneliness is - Even there is no one to make you feel sad, but it is you (yourself) who make yourself sad. Not only that, you try to think about every bad moments you once went through in your life. Haha.... Sorry for that fake laugh. But at least I can assure you that I am not so bad that I don’t know how to laugh. Actually it is not like that... this one year has made me mad ...not just that it taught me lots of thing like Perseverance, patience(hell lot of) , defeat, success( haha...in family games...yeah I know PJ ), skills like sleeping , freaking out a lot and off course how to cook tasteless food( no , it’s not me  who is bearing it, it’s my family).Oh yes one thing I would not deny , I have created a lot of memories by staying with my parents. But surprisingly it’s not new. I am kinda family person...oh yes!! I love to be with my family than to be with my few fake friends... Ok Stop.....There is something more Newton laws....Hell yes!! I don’t want to talk about it. As always I am very mysterious . But on the other side very easy going...yes easy going...one minute ...easy going ....hahahahahahah...in dreams...OK thats all for today...Thankkk youu

Yes !!!

                                     MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES