Thursday 25 June 2020

Are you bored? How to keep your boredom away by staying at home?

1)              Read your favorite book once again.

2)              Take out your old pictures and sit with your family to recall about beautiful moments in the past.

3)              Play ludo, carom, chess, monopoly etc.

4)              Make a calendar as shown in the picture then learn new lessons of guitar or any kind of art like cooking, dancing (any style), drawing, clay modelling, and mimicry of any artist in 30 days without failing. Tick the days when you learn something new whereas cross the days when you fail to do so. Keeping yourself busy will make you forget about lock down  and you will be focused towards your aim.

5)              Try out a funky hairstyle. As you will not be going out so it will not matter you are looking good in that funky hairstyle or not. Rather you will get a new look and you will feel more confident in it.

6)              Look at your wardrobe and search for your favorite cloth. Wear it for a day and click as many photos as you can.
7)              Clean your room at least 4 times in a week. Use fragrant stuffs like lavender sticks around you which will calm you down. Put new bed sheet or try a D.I.Y. of making photo frame or any other things which will decorate your room. You can simply take a paper plate and color it using sketch pens, also add some motivating words.

8)              Write poems, slogans, thought in apps like mirakee and YourQuote.

9)              You can start making content videos on a particular topic in YouTube.

10)        Try learning split in 30 days. There are many videos in YouTube about it. 

Let’s talk about something different. The above stuffs are talked by everyone. You can do the following things to make a difference:-
1)              Talk to your friends and make a list of challenges. Video call your friends and try giving challenges to your friends. Those who fail to do so have to speak truth about any question which is going to be asked by you.
2)              Have a fun quiz with your family asking them if questions.
3) Try learning new language in a month by watching movies of that language with subtitles, or can take help from google.

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