Wednesday 24 June 2020

Weight loss diet/Healthy diet

Good lifestyle provides you a healthy body. Healthy body always leads to a better life. In this world of over stressed life better lifestyle can provide you a way to live your life somehow in a better way. So here are some basic tips to make your lifestyle a better one.

1) Drink lukewarm water after waking up. Try to drink water in a copper vessel as it helps to boost your immune system, aid digestion, cure thyroid problems and tan related problems. You can also try using lemon and honey to detoxify your body.

2) Do some exercise after drinking water for at least 30 minutes .Start with warm up and then level up your exercise by doing push ups, sit ups, planks, hopping or skipping. Do 10 mins stretching to increase your flexibility and resistance against fatigue.

3) Try to take your breakfast within 2 hours after you wake up. You can try homemade oats, upma, besan chila, brown bread with omelette.

4) If you feel hungry during the time between lunch and dinner, try green tea or black coffee. But green tea is best among the two. As it increases the metabolism.

5) In your lunch you can have roti or brown rice with chana, rajma or any kind of pulses with one banana. Our body takes 15 min to give signals that our stomach is filled. So initially you might feel your stomach is not completely filled.
6) As a snack during evening you can opt having any kind of seasonal fruits with handful of dry fruits.

7) Try to have dinner before 8 P.M. avoid any kind of high carbohydrate. Prefer having protein like chicken soup, mixed pulses, sprouts, with seasoned salad.

8) If you feel hungry, you can have a glass of turmeric milk one hour before sleep. It acts as detoxifier. It also makes your skin glow naturally.

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