Tuesday 25 May 2021

                                    MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES

Tuesday 27 April 2021



I don’t know if I am but I have heard a lot about this word, surprisingly people dedicated it to me. I grew up in a very orthodox family still I grew as if I am a princess. Though every girl grows as a princess, it’s not new. But I feel sometimes it becomes hectic to be treated as a princess but not as prince. I always had this warrior and I literally wanted to be a boy who can do anything without any hesitation (riding bike at night, going for night studies, partying hard with friends, wearing any kind of clothes, etc.) but fortunately I became girl. Trust me it’s not easy where you go through mensus every month, not only that the period cramps are disaster. Also something I am familiar during the growth period of mine was about the skin colour. I was fair enough but got the almond/dusky colour gradually. I am very proud of my colour. But the problem is whenever I used to go to my village everyone used to poke and say your skin colour has gone dark. Try to maintain it. It doesn’t bother me now but the initial time, the age at which I didn’t realize the difference between skin colours (the royalty hidden behind the fair skin colour), I lost confidence. But you know what it took me just 3 days to forget about that incident. Not even that when I changed my school and locality, I started gaining weight. I didn’t realize earlier but people surrounding me made me realise that you can be body shammed any time anywhere. But trust me I was not bothered. Huh , because I was not a foodie and all I could do at that time was to change my lifestyle a bit . But it’s fine I was happy then because i realised you become more messier with the mess you create in your mind.



Sometime I think loneliness is a word which is familiar to everybody. Even if it might not have been familiar to everyone earlier but at least in this one year, we might have realised the deep meaning of this word. The best part of loneliness is - Even there is no one to make you feel sad, but it is you (yourself) who make yourself sad. Not only that, you try to think about every bad moments you once went through in your life. Haha.... Sorry for that fake laugh. But at least I can assure you that I am not so bad that I don’t know how to laugh. Actually it is not like that... this one year has made me mad ...not just that it taught me lots of thing like Perseverance, patience(hell lot of) , defeat, success( haha...in family games...yeah I know PJ ), skills like sleeping , freaking out a lot and off course how to cook tasteless food( no , it’s not me  who is bearing it, it’s my family).Oh yes one thing I would not deny , I have created a lot of memories by staying with my parents. But surprisingly it’s not new. I am kinda family person...oh yes!! I love to be with my family than to be with my few fake friends... Ok Stop.....There is something more Newton laws....Hell yes!! I don’t want to talk about it. As always I am very mysterious . But on the other side very easy going...yes easy going...one minute ...easy going ....hahahahahahah...in dreams...OK thats all for today...Thankkk youu

Yes !!!

Thursday 17 September 2020

Tasty and Healthy Aloo Paratha

 We have a soft corner towards  'Aloo Paratha'....Too much of desi ghee/oil.....with too much of stuffed potatoes makes it harder for diet conscious people to grab those tasty bites!!!...Here is the recipe which will make a way to the diet health conscious people....

Aloo paratha recipe


1)Potatoes(obviously because without potatoes...paratha will not be aloo partha ..right!!!)- 4 small sized or 2 big sized

2)Coriander leaves(optional)

3) Red chilli powder(Can use green chilly paste )-2 tsp or as per taste

4)Jeera powder - 2 tsp

5)Salt- 2 tsp or as per taste

6)Garam Masala- 2 tsp

7) Coriander powder - 2 tsp

8) Flour (Atta)- 4 cup

9) Olive oil (you can use any oil or butter as per your choice)- 2-3  tsp


Boil the potatoes. Peel the potatoes and mash them.

Take a bowl add flour and other Masala (powder) in it. Add the potatoes and knead the dough with water. You can add coriander leaves , it gives nice crunch and taste to parathas.

Take a pan and keep it on the stove.

Make the parathas by rolling it. 

As the pan heats up , add oil. Add one paratha and lightly fry it.

Yipeee!!! Parathas are ready!!!

You can serve these parathas with any chutney. Although in the pic I have showed using tomato ketchup, You can make homemade chutney .

Thursday 25 June 2020

Are you bored? How to keep your boredom away by staying at home?

1)              Read your favorite book once again.

2)              Take out your old pictures and sit with your family to recall about beautiful moments in the past.

3)              Play ludo, carom, chess, monopoly etc.

4)              Make a calendar as shown in the picture then learn new lessons of guitar or any kind of art like cooking, dancing (any style), drawing, clay modelling, and mimicry of any artist in 30 days without failing. Tick the days when you learn something new whereas cross the days when you fail to do so. Keeping yourself busy will make you forget about lock down  and you will be focused towards your aim.

5)              Try out a funky hairstyle. As you will not be going out so it will not matter you are looking good in that funky hairstyle or not. Rather you will get a new look and you will feel more confident in it.

6)              Look at your wardrobe and search for your favorite cloth. Wear it for a day and click as many photos as you can.
7)              Clean your room at least 4 times in a week. Use fragrant stuffs like lavender sticks around you which will calm you down. Put new bed sheet or try a D.I.Y. of making photo frame or any other things which will decorate your room. You can simply take a paper plate and color it using sketch pens, also add some motivating words.

8)              Write poems, slogans, thought in apps like mirakee and YourQuote.

9)              You can start making content videos on a particular topic in YouTube.

10)        Try learning split in 30 days. There are many videos in YouTube about it. 

Let’s talk about something different. The above stuffs are talked by everyone. You can do the following things to make a difference:-
1)              Talk to your friends and make a list of challenges. Video call your friends and try giving challenges to your friends. Those who fail to do so have to speak truth about any question which is going to be asked by you.
2)              Have a fun quiz with your family asking them if questions.
3) Try learning new language in a month by watching movies of that language with subtitles, or can take help from google.

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Weight loss diet/Healthy diet

Good lifestyle provides you a healthy body. Healthy body always leads to a better life. In this world of over stressed life better lifestyle can provide you a way to live your life somehow in a better way. So here are some basic tips to make your lifestyle a better one.

1) Drink lukewarm water after waking up. Try to drink water in a copper vessel as it helps to boost your immune system, aid digestion, cure thyroid problems and tan related problems. You can also try using lemon and honey to detoxify your body.

2) Do some exercise after drinking water for at least 30 minutes .Start with warm up and then level up your exercise by doing push ups, sit ups, planks, hopping or skipping. Do 10 mins stretching to increase your flexibility and resistance against fatigue.

3) Try to take your breakfast within 2 hours after you wake up. You can try homemade oats, upma, besan chila, brown bread with omelette.

4) If you feel hungry during the time between lunch and dinner, try green tea or black coffee. But green tea is best among the two. As it increases the metabolism.

5) In your lunch you can have roti or brown rice with chana, rajma or any kind of pulses with one banana. Our body takes 15 min to give signals that our stomach is filled. So initially you might feel your stomach is not completely filled.
6) As a snack during evening you can opt having any kind of seasonal fruits with handful of dry fruits.

7) Try to have dinner before 8 P.M. avoid any kind of high carbohydrate. Prefer having protein like chicken soup, mixed pulses, sprouts, with seasoned salad.

8) If you feel hungry, you can have a glass of turmeric milk one hour before sleep. It acts as detoxifier. It also makes your skin glow naturally.

Saturday 20 June 2020

Are you eating foods which cause cancer? Here is the list of food that causes cancer.
Experimentally it is proved that high protein rich foods lead to cause cancer. Cancer is among the most common diseases in this world. Mostly obese people suffer from cancer as they have higher level of cytokines which encourages cell to divide faster. So here are the products you shouldn’t consume.
1)               Red meats like ham, bacon
2)               Hydrogenated oils
3)               Dairy products
4)                Refined sugar present in candies.
 5)             Overcooked food or micro waved food like popcorns.
6)               White flour like maida
7)               Beverages like cokes

There are certain foods which are anti carcinogenic .Some of them are listed below:-

1) Cauliflower, Broccoli, Cabbage and  other vegetables
2) Fruits like mulberries, orange, lemon
3) Cinnamon
4) Legumes like sprouts
5) Nuts
6) Garlic
7) Olive oils

Friday 19 June 2020

How to increase your immunity to fight against COVID-19?
In this pandemic of corona virus, we have to take precautions to stay safe .To fight against this corona virus we have to increase our immunity. We have to make India stronger such that it stands out as an example for everyone in this world. Let us promise to make ourselves stronger so that India becomes stronger.

Let’s begin!
1)             Eating appropriate things: - To increase immunity you should eat the following things-
«Citrus fruits- It includes orange, lemon, tomatoes, berries and many more.
«Nuts-It gives you energy and keeps you healthy as well. It includes almonds, cashew nuts, peanuts, walnuts.
«Less oily food- Oil increases cholesterol which is harmful for our body. Avoiding oily stuffs will make you fit and healthier.
«Green leafy vegetables-It includes spinach, cabbage, kale, lettuce adds to the fibre content of your body.
«Less carbohydrate intake- Eating fewer amounts of carbs is beneficial during his lockdown to avoid weight gain.
«Stay hydrated
«Garlic and Ginger- These two ingredients are very common in Indian curries and really boost up our immunity.
«Yogurt – Yogurt is rich in Vitamin B12 .It helps making genetic material and prevents megaloblatic anaemia that makes people tired and weak.
«Have Basil leaves – Every morning take two 4 leaves of basil.
«Take steam of Neem Boil some water and add some neem leaves into it. Take the steam to increase immunity.
2)             Exercise: - Proper exercise is very important to maintain your health. You can try out some yoga given in the below link to boost your immunity. If you don’t like to do yoga then try out some aerobics or have fast walk for at least 15-30 minutes.
3)             Hygiene:-Hygiene is one of the most important factors to keep you disease free.
·      Wash your hands for 20 seconds in the interval of every 30-40 minutes.
·      Sanitise your phone, laptop and other devices before and after use.
·      Keep a handkerchief with you and use it when you are sneezing or coughing.  If you don’t have handkerchief in any moment, try to cough or sneeze into your elbow.
·      Use disinfectant to clean your house twice in a week.

4)             Maintain social distance when going out of your home.

5)             Keep positive vibes with you: - In this lock down, family members are able to interact with each and can reduce the gaps created earlier due to busy schedule. Play games with each other, teach new skills to your younger one, watch movies, believe each other to create stronger communication, have faith with patience and say that we will win one day.

6)              Have a sound sleep!

                                     MOTIVATIONAL QUOTES